Life Science Case Examples Using the Quick Screen Tool for Opportunity Assessments


  • Ryan Friedrich Rutgers University
  • Joon Seok Lee Rutgers University
  • Rayan K. Salih Rutgers University
  • Arthur A. Boni Carnegie Mellon University
  • John M. York University of California, San Diego, Cranfield University, Rutgers University


management, biopharma, biotechnology, business analysis, business development, risk management, quick screen, heuristics


Innovations are plentiful in the biopharma landscape but often fail to reach commercialization. This paper addresses the research question: How can a tool efficiently assess life science opportunities to go to market successfully? This paper analyzes three case studies using the quick screen tool, culminating in a scorecard that reflects commercial potential and readiness. COASTAR’s score of 1.95 represents strong potential despite lacking clinical validation, while JD Bioscience’s score of 2.87 reflects unique attributes and developmental risks. Reviva’s score of 3.08 highlights strong intellectual property and competitive challenges. The quick screen tool simplifies decision-making, with simple rules enhancing heuristic strategies.


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How to Cite

Friedrich, R., Lee, J. S., Salih, R. K., Boni, A. A., & York, J. M. (2024). Life Science Case Examples Using the Quick Screen Tool for Opportunity Assessments. American Journal of Management, 24(3). Retrieved from


