Why Are so Many Remote Workers Reluctant to Endure the Politics of Organizational Culture?
management, culture, compensation, politics, remote work, scientific management, Taylorism, turnoverAbstract
A recent Wall Street Journal (WSJ) article dated May 31, 2023, titled “Why Workers Aren’t Coming Back to the Office Full-Time” (Smith & Carpenter, 2023), examines reasons employees prefer remote work, such as rising childcare costs, avoidance of micro-management, low interpersonal conflict, wardrobe requirements, food costs, commute time, and parking expenses. The WSJ has recently published multiple articles on remote work, including one on January 11, 2024, stating “Remote Workers Are Losing Out on Promotions, New Data Shows” (Chen, 2024), which claims remote workers were promoted 31% less frequently than office workers. Understanding the politics of organizational culture related to remote work preferences is crucial. We conducted a literature review using Google Scholar with key terms “remote work” and “office” OR “politics” OR “culture” from 2019 to 2023, including the COVID-19 pandemic period. There is a pressing need for a cultural shift within organizations to adopt remote and hybrid work models, driven by professionals' increasing demand for remote work options.
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