Job Satisfaction and Generational Difference: The Shifting Nature of the Workplace


  • Maureen Snow Andrade Utah Valley University
  • Jonathan H. Westover Utah Valley University
  • Silvia Clark Utah Valley University
  • Angela Schill Utah Valley University


management, job satisfaction, generations, intrinsic rewards, extrinsic rewards, work-life balance, worker relations, employee activation


This study investigates job satisfaction across different generational cohorts within the workforce. It explores how intrinsic rewards, extrinsic rewards, work relations, work-life balance, and employee activation variables influence job satisfaction among these groups. A web-based survey was conducted across the United States, involving 566 participants. Regression analysis was used to identify significant predictors of job satisfaction for each generational cohort. The results revealed that interesting work significantly predicts job satisfaction for all generations, with the strongest impact observed in Generation Z. baby boomers, Generation X, and millennials reported high levels of satisfaction with pay and relations with management. The study highlights distinct generational preferences, contributing to a nuanced understanding of job satisfaction drivers.


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How to Cite

Andrade, M. S., Westover, J. H., Clark, S., & Schill, A. (2024). Job Satisfaction and Generational Difference: The Shifting Nature of the Workplace. American Journal of Management, 24(3). Retrieved from


