An Extractive Sector Perspective of Risk Management and Its Influence on Corporate Sustainability: An Empirical Analysis


  • L. Andeobu Torrens University, Victoria
  • S. Hettihewa Federation University
  • C.S. Wright The Institute of International Studies


business, economics, Australia, corporate sustainability, extractive sector, risk management, stakeholder value


This study explores how risk management (RM), affects shareholder value (SV) and corporate sustainability (CS) in extractive-sector (ES) firms. Employees of Australia’s top 20 mining and oil-and-gas (O&G) firms were surveyed about their firm’s risk profile, risk attitudes, and RM practices. The survey drew 496 responses from 987 employees. The literature review raised several gaps: Does RM enhance SV and CS of ES firms; How similar is RM across ES firms; Are mining and O&G risks sufficiently different to warrant splitting them? The survey findings suggest that ES-firm risk profiles, risk attitudes, and RM practices are: Broader than in non-ES firms; Important to SV via CS; and Similar within and across mining and O&G. Survey responses suggest that ES employees recognize the nature of RM and of the importance of the ES sector via employment, investment, and raw-material flows. This study affirms that mining- and O&G-firmRM practices are converging and is a benchmark for future studies, as high-carbon energy (coal mining and O&G) is supplanted by nuclear and non-ES-renewable energy.




How to Cite

Andeobu, L., Hettihewa, S., & Wright, C. (2023). An Extractive Sector Perspective of Risk Management and Its Influence on Corporate Sustainability: An Empirical Analysis. Journal of Applied Business and Economics, 24(4). Retrieved from


