Does Intellectual Capital Influence Firm's Financial Performance in Bangladesh?
business, economics, intellectual capital, firm performance, financial companies, non-financial companies, BangladeshAbstract
This paper aimed to find the effects of intellectual capital and its components on firms’ financial performance in Bangladesh. A sample of 100 firms comprised of 48 manufacturing, 21 services, and 31 banking companies was studied for five years from 2017 to 2021, setting 500 firm-year observations. Data was collected purposively from secondary sources, such as annual reports of sampled companies. The robust fixed-effect regression model using STATA 14.2 software was applied to test the hypothesis due to autocorrelation and heteroscedasticity problems. The regression results documented that overall IC, human capital efficiency (HCE), and capital employed efficiency (CEE) positively and significantly enhanced the ROA and ROE of the firms. However, structural capital efficiency (SCE) and relational capital efficiency (RCE) negatively and insignificantly influenced the same. The study contributes to resource-based theory using econometric methods to extend the samples of both financial and non-financial companies. This study helps investors, managers, policy-makers, governments, and accounting regulatory bodies regarding the utilization pattern of invisible and tangible resources in Bangladeshi firms.
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