The Impact of Earnings Management on CEO Equity Incentives


  • Jangwook Lee Monmouth University


business, economics, executive compensation, executive stock options, equity incentives, earnings management, accrual earnings management, real earnings management


This paper investigates whether firms adjust CEO equity incentives in response to prior earnings management. I show that the risk-taking incentives from new equity grants are lower for firms with higher prior real earnings management (REM), but not for firms with higher prior accruals-based earnings management (AEM). These adjustments are associated with sustained earnings management over the three years before the grant, but not with transitory earnings management. Additionally, I show that firms with higher institutional ownership primarily drive the negative relationship between REM and AEM and risk-taking incentives from new equity grants. My results are consistent with firms altering compensation incentives to restrain managers’ value-reducing behavior, in part, due to the monitoring of institutional investors.


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How to Cite

Lee, J. (2024). The Impact of Earnings Management on CEO Equity Incentives. Journal of Applied Business and Economics, 26(5). Retrieved from


