Final State Certification of Biprofessional Educational Programs Graduates in Russia: Building a Model


  • Ivan F. Krivchanskiy Russian State Agrarian University – Moscow Timiryazev Agricultural Academy
  • Aleksei S. Siman Russian State Agrarian University – Moscow Timiryazev Agricultural Academy
  • Marina V. Shingareva Russian State Agrarian University – Moscow Timiryazev Agricultural Academy


higher education, final state certification, interdisciplinary testing, professional education teacher, state exam, final attestation work, competence-based tasks and assignments, biprofessional training, industry component, pedagogical component, diploma design


The paper aims to improve the diagnostic procedures of the final state certification of university graduates studying the biprofessional content training program. The research purpose is to build and test a final state certification model of biprofessional educational programs graduates. The authors propose a functional final state certification model of biprofessional educational program graduates, which includes five blocks: (1) normative, (2) informative, (3) technological, (4) diagnostic, and (5) organizational-managerial. A graduate’s competencies, the integrity and effectiveness of their training as a social procurement requirement are confirmed during the final state certification. Certification is a system-forming factor. The paper presents the state examination effectiveness results using automated control in complex interdisciplinary testing and competence-oriented tasks. The proposed model allows for more accurate and targeted diagnostics of the graduates’ educational achievements at state examination during the final state certification.





