Characteristics of Symptom Complexes of Professional Burnout Among Pedagogical Workers of Educational Institutions of Various Types


  • Iryna O. Kalynychenko Sumy State Pedagogical University Named After A.S. Makarenko
  • Hanna O. Latina Sumy State Pedagogical University Named After A.S. Makarenko
  • Ihor V. Ivanii Sumy State Pedagogical University Named After A.S. Makarenko
  • Sergii Khrapatyi Interregional Academy of Personnel Management
  • Nadiia Liubchenko University of Education Management


higher education, professional burnout, symptom complexes, pedagogical workers, educational institutions of various types


The creation of conditions for the emotional well-being of teachers in the conditions of the labour process transformation is necessary for the prevention of the occurrence of production-related morbidity and the creation of the most favourable working conditions. The purpose of the research is to assess the formation stages of symptom complexes of professional burnout among pedagogical workers of educational institutions of various types. The leading research method is experimental. During the ascertaining experiment, the level of professional burnout was assessed according to V. V. Boiko’s method “Diagnostics of the level of emotional burnout” among 852 pedagogical workers of the Sumy region during 2008-2021. The dependence of the development of professional burnout and symptom complexes of tension, resistance, and exhaustion on organizational factors of the type of educational institution was established. The obtained results of the research made it possible to develop practical recommendations for the promotion of professional health of primary school teachers, which are based on information, health, psychotherapeutic and organizational measures.





