Admission Test Scores and Colleges’ Retention Rates


  • Alyson C. Ma University of San Diego
  • Florence Bouvet Sonoma State University
  • Jason Campbell University of San Diego
  • Steven Sumner University of San Diego
  • Ryan Ratcliff University of San Diego
  • Andrew Narwold University of San Diego
  • Jon Sandy University of San Diego


higher education, retention, 4-year institution, admission policies, test-optional, standardized tests


Most higher education institutions eliminated standardized test requirements for applicants following the COVID-19 pandemic. The impact of college admission criteria on college student retention has been the subject of extensive research in higher education. This literature suggests that admission criteria play a significant role in influencing student retention rates. However, the impacts of test-optional admissions procedures have been relatively understudied. Using a dataset of admissions requirements, institutional profiles, measures of collegiate success, financial aid, and demographics of full-time, first-year students at public or not-for-profit private 4-year institutions for the 2021-2022 academic year, we find that, of the different criteria used in admission policies, required or recommended letters of recommendation and graduation rates combined have an impact on college retention rates. Required or recommended admission test scores positively increase retention rates, albeit not robustly.


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