Revolutionizing 3D Animation & 3D Modeling Education: A Comprehensive Study on the Impact of Blended Learning


  • Rosana Marar Princess Sumaya University for Technology


higher education, COVID, blended learning, 3D modeling, 3D animation, educational challenges, student performance, teaching methodologies


The educational environment has undergone a significant transformation due to the widespread impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. Prompting creative solutions to issues in teaching and learning. This study explores the integration of blended learning, focusing on 3D animation and modeling education. Blended learning, which combines conventional and online approaches, is emerging as an effective method for increasing student engagement and performance. The research delves into the complexities of 3D animation and modeling courses, emphasizing the importance of creative thinking and mastery of animation principles. The study showcases the effectiveness of blended learning through improved student outcomes, emphasizing adaptability, and interactive learning. This research provides valuable insights for educators, highlighting the significance of flexible teaching methodologies and the integration of technology in shaping the future of 3D animation and 3D modeling education.


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