Equity in Literacy Education: A Case Study of Tier 2 Personalized Instruction


  • Earlisha Jenkins Whitfield University of Central Florida


higher education, personalized instruction, literacy, interventions, equity


According to the NAEP, proficiency in reading is reported to be 67% in 4th-grade students. General education classroom teachers are responsible for providing Tier 1 and 2 instruction, including interventions in Tier 2. However, many teachers are unsure about implementing interventions and have had negative experiences with Response to Intervention (RTI), finding the process frustrating and overwhelming. This case study examines the effectiveness of teachers who have seen an increase in reading levels and student interest. The research explores the teachers’ perceptions, experiences, and skills of the current implementation of RTI using Gibbs’ Reflective Practice as a theoretical framework. Data collected from individual interviews and observations are analyzed using open coding. Themes and concepts are identified from the interview and observational data. These findings inform educators and higher education teacher educators about Tier 2 implementation and equitable, personalized instruction in the RTI process, aiming to strengthen the implementation and effectiveness of Tier 2 interventions in the general education classroom.


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