Inclusive Faculty Hiring: Promising Practices for Increasing Higher Education Faculty Diversity


  • Bill D. Herman Metropolitan State University of Denver


higher education, diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI), faculty hiring, recruitment, human resources (HR), faculty diversity


This paper reviews and synthesizes the extant work on promising practices in recruiting and hiring diverse college faculty in an equitable, inclusive process. First, I discuss the substantial demographic mismatch between faculty, the general working-age population, and undergraduate students. I then discuss the evidence that representational faculty diversity benefits students. I then integrate the literature on promising practices in inclusive faculty recruitment to recommend four strategies: better position advertisements, ongoing, proactive recruitment, thoughtful committee assignment and training, and a more deliberate, deliberative process. I offer multiple tactics within each strategy and urge institutions to adopt and prioritize whatever mix of these and other strategies/tactics makes the most sense for them.


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