Profile Analysis of Hourly, Daily, and Weekly Student Access to Online Asynchronous Courses


  • H. Paul LeBlanc, III The University of Texas at San Antonio
  • Anuradha Roy The University of Texas at San Antonio


higher education, teaching modalities, student access, course management, learning management systems


Recent global events have led to an increase in the delivery of higher education in an asynchronous online format. These changes have impacted students’ ability to schedule their lives around their education. This study investigates trends in student access to online asynchronous courses. This study utilized learning analytics data from the learning management system for thirty-eight online asynchronous communication courses taught by twelve different faculty members at a large research university in the southwestern United States. A total of 1,384 students were involved in the study. Profile Analyses indicate clear non-linear trends for time of day, day of the week, and week of the semester in student course access. Results indicate those trends vary significantly from a no-effect condition by level of course and gender of student across multiple courses.


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