Promoting Engagement in Microcredential Coursework: Applications of a Course-Embedded Advising Model


  • Michelle Dennis National University
  • Eddie Gordon American Intercontinental University
  • Wendy Johnson University of Arkansas Grantham
  • Donna DiMatteo-Gibson Adler University
  • Andrew Kalnbach Scientific Research Corporation
  • James D. Halbert Adler University


higher education, microcredentials, course-embedded advising, online education, student engagement, mentorship, assessment, student learning


This pilot involved incorporating course-embedded advising into a course offered as part of a micro-credential. Microcredentials are targeted, short programs that align to key skills and are accompanied by documentation, such as digital badges (Varadarajan, Koh, & Daniel, 2023; Yueh, Kamsin,& Fuh, 2023). Emphasizing skills and utility must not come at the expense of engagement, which is a prerequisite to student learning. The inclusion of course-embedded advising offers faculty a venue from which to provide micro-mentorship while preserving course content. Lessons learned and future directions are discussed in the context of relevant best practices for the delivery of online coursework.


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