Eudaimonic Performance Review System: Because humans made machines and not the other way around


  • Swati Patil Monmouth University
  • Michael Chattalas Monmouth University


Innovation, Sustainability, Eudaimonic Performance Review


This paper proposes a new performance evaluation system -Eudaimonic Performance Review (EPR) System against the conventional bell curve system. EPR model is based on 3 main ideas - goals compatibility, neutralizing Power Distance and real time modeling. A pre-test survey was conducted to examine the constructs. Findings show significant percentage of employees oppose the bell curve and seek EPR system. An inspiration to write this paper comes from harsh work-experiences with bell curve system while working with a French-based MNC in Mumbai, India. This paper is an effort to bring the change we wish to see in the world. To the best of our knowledge, this research is the first to propose a ‘real time’ PR model. We believe that fitting into standardized graphs is likely a job of machines, but we are humans hence evaluation should be Eudaimonic (“happy”) in nature.




How to Cite

Patil, S., & Chattalas, M. (2019). Eudaimonic Performance Review System: Because humans made machines and not the other way around. Journal of Strategic Innovation and Sustainability, 14(2). Retrieved from


